Medium - Digital, originally printmaking
Material(s) - Light, originally on paper
Aesthetic qualities - This image today would be sublime for the darker toned colors express an apoptotic society. People had probably never imagined something like this, adding to the sublimity.
Subject matter - The image is about nuking the enemy before they can to us.
Composition - The focal point is the bottom runner with the picture of the atomic bomb going off
Formal elements -The lines and form are 3 dimensional.The colors are toned down but still eye catching. The "American" colors suchas the red and blue really grabs the readers attention.
Gesture - The American has a look of shock and scarceness
Lighting - From the center to the edges due to the white negative space created.
Dimension - The dimension is only around 11" as I am looking at it from my laptop screen
Location - On my laptop.
Display - On my laptop.
When the atomic bomb was being developed scientists knew it was going to change the way we fight wars with its sheer power of destruction. They were able to justify using this action by scaring Americans into not wanting the destruction to happen them with this scene of propaganda.