Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Enemy Propaganda Ad

Deconstructing an image

Medium - Digital, originally printmaking
Material(s) - Light, originally on paper
Aesthetic qualities - This image today would be sublime for the darker toned colors and the expression of the man. 
Subject matter - The image is about the dangers Germany and Japan could bring to the citizens of America just through propaganda. 
Composition - The focal point is the man having the two dictators talking to him
Formal elements -The lines and form are 3 dimensional. There is also a negative area around the man and the characters in white. This negative space also "fall" throughout the ad as if it were bomb sparks. All the colors are toned down but still eye catching. The red really grabs the readers attention. 
Gesture - The American has a look of shock and scarceness
Lighting - From the center to the edges due to the white negative space created. 
Dimension - The dimension is only around 11" as I am looking at it from my laptop screen
Location - On my laptop.
Display - On my laptop.

As this is from the 1940s, this ad would fit the cultural norm. The US government knew the age of newspaper and information was growing. They did not want people to see propaganda from the axes powers making it look like we were fighting an unjust war. 

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